Holy Cow, this summer has just flown by.Its been sooo fun, I haven't had a boring day this whole break!!But now it's coming to a close and I'm actually still excited:)
As most people know, this is going to be my freshman year and so my FIRST YEAR @ HIGHSCHOOL!!!! I'm sad to leave all my friends and best friends @ Ben Frank but I'm excited to
be with all my friends that are in my ward and stuff.
I know everyone in highschool so I'll never get lost or be alone and so I've got things pretty well off.....but I'm dreading all my stupid advanced classes my mom signed me up for:(
Alot of things have happened to me this summer and alot of laughing has been done in fact I can't remember anything bad happening except for skinning all the skin off my leg last week during volleyball..It WAS an awesome slide tho...
Our HUGE garden is still growing exceptr the corn has all been eaten:)delish... and our house i finally getting painted,cleaned and decorated...by mwa.
The other problem is that I've been so busy this summer.Like, a billion people call everyday to hangout and my Fridays and Saturday nights are always taken up by babysitting and dances....Once school starts I was hoping to get a chance to breathe but instead:
1.I'll have volleyball tryouts the first day of school
2.I have Advanced:geometry,physical science, spanish,and english classes
3. I have A- hour whichmeans I have to be @ school @ 6:45
4.I'm Mia-maids president and I'm organizing a food fight activity
5.On the 1st week of school church will be sxheduled for the new time slot,8:30
Ive also gotten tons of school stuff this year,like almost a whole new wardrobe...and only spent $60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the sassy sista
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Fourth of July Celebration!
This year we decided to be a little different and we all went to a FIVE-STAR hotel. It's called the Fairmount Princess and the whole Steele Clan was up there( minus Uncle Mike and Aunt Collette's family). This hotel had an amazing pool . Actually there were three large pools one complete with two long slides , one with a volleyball net, and one with a jacuzzi. Needless to say I spent the whole time swimming and taking advantage of the sauna. This place was HEAVEN! And we only paid $100 bucks/night, let me remind you this is a FIVE-STAR hotel!!!!! So here are some of the pictures we took :

Here's my momma in the fancy hotel robe
My first kiss....jk
Awww. .there such great parents:)
Wooohooo...finally the real treat...FIREWORKS!!

My first kiss....jk

Awww. .there such great parents:)

Wooohooo...finally the real treat...FIREWORKS!!
Let me tell ya I had a blast but I was ready for home, friends, and some aloe vera. For those who know me, or have even seen me you know I don't burn easily but let me tell yah that I looked like a fried tomato sandwich!!!!And I really missed my Missouri cusins!!:)
THE Sassy Sista
THE Sassy Sista
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Another Part of Summer
I know like practicallly noone reads this blog since Im such a boring person but i thought id tell whoever might be reading this bout the last few days.
I love my daddy soo much! WE wrestle goof sround and occaisionally are serious. He shows such love to me and i know i need to show him more back. Anyway, this year after an amazing sacrament meeting my whole family went home and we just spent time with each other.It was soo fun. My dad helped us cook(something that NEVER HAPPENS:) this elaborate meal and it was delishous.Me and my mom got my dad 3 suits for church and my dad got soo excited it was pretty funny:)
Okay, besides hanging out with friends and stuff my life has basically been school(I know thats horrible!Its summer for Petes sake!!! It was my moms idea) and volleyball camp.
The online school I've been acing is called Primavera Its pretty good and soooo easy and soooooo boring but i gots to do it !
I have been going to whilliams field every day this past summer. I practically leave there! Mondays and Wednesdays I go to weights training for 2 hrs. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to Open Gym for 2 hrs. And Fridays I go to Volleyball Traing which is super painful, its like boot camp!UGH! Plus I also go to volleyball camps throught out the week soo basically I sleep the sleep of the dead when I get home..
Last night me and some young women watched this awesome movie for mutual. It had everything...It was a church movie....there were good morals...it was funny...AND.......there were hot actors!! It was called FOREVER STRONG and its about this sport called rugby.
I love my daddy soo much! WE wrestle goof sround and occaisionally are serious. He shows such love to me and i know i need to show him more back. Anyway, this year after an amazing sacrament meeting my whole family went home and we just spent time with each other.It was soo fun. My dad helped us cook(something that NEVER HAPPENS:) this elaborate meal and it was delishous.Me and my mom got my dad 3 suits for church and my dad got soo excited it was pretty funny:)
Okay, besides hanging out with friends and stuff my life has basically been school(I know thats horrible!Its summer for Petes sake!!! It was my moms idea) and volleyball camp.
The online school I've been acing is called Primavera Its pretty good and soooo easy and soooooo boring but i gots to do it !
I have been going to whilliams field every day this past summer. I practically leave there! Mondays and Wednesdays I go to weights training for 2 hrs. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to Open Gym for 2 hrs. And Fridays I go to Volleyball Traing which is super painful, its like boot camp!UGH! Plus I also go to volleyball camps throught out the week soo basically I sleep the sleep of the dead when I get home..
Last night me and some young women watched this awesome movie for mutual. It had everything...It was a church movie....there were good morals...it was funny...AND.......there were hot actors!! It was called FOREVER STRONG and its about this sport called rugby.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
MY LIFES A PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i just cleaned)
I havent been bored once this summer. Ive been invited to someone elses house everyday which makes it paradise; a summer without having to sleep eat or be near my oldest brothers, WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!
But lately ive been feeling pretty guilty from spending so much time away from my dad, mom, joseph, samuel, and ammon and so imade it up to them by swimming with them and spending time with them AND EVEN CLEANING!!!!!
Just kidding, really i actually like to clean. I admit im not totally normal and cool but who is:) In fact, today i cleaned almost my entire house from top to bottom and if uve ever seen our house you know this is an accomplishment!!!!
So i woke up at 6:00 and have just finished @ 10:00 p.m. I figured i owed this to my mom because ive been gone partying at friends houses:)
yestrday, my mom and grandma decided to spend some quality time with me and so we spent 4 hours in the ladies and juniors section at Kohls shopping for each other. Kohls had a major sale so we totally scored. L8tr we spent 2 hrs @ Savers and i got 3 pairs of the cutest shoes .
Here are just RANDOM pics of the last week:
Here is Joseph and his creepy, lifelike robotic tarantuala that he got for his birthday
Me and my 2 BF's made this flower and my mom lovd it sooo much she wore it b4 i did. We made it out of ribbon! weird huh?
Heres Samuel sneakily bitin' a chunk out of that apple:)
I got these cute shoes for $1.99
these boots i got for free from my Aunt Elena
$1.99, BABE!
OMGosh....... $0.99 , yes their a little dirty but ill throw em in the wash. theyll sparkle new.
I lov this jacket that my mom found for me
There were more clothes but, my camera died so youll just have to wait and see...
BTW: I also just went to Girls Camp and it was a blast,so glad i went. Unfortunately, I havent been blest with enough brains to remember to take a camera, SOOOOOOOO..... i have no pictures which spares u the horrifying images of me without makeup , our ward dressed as hippies, me writing my name with my bum, and Pressident Riggs covered in choco frosting and silly string!
But lately ive been feeling pretty guilty from spending so much time away from my dad, mom, joseph, samuel, and ammon and so imade it up to them by swimming with them and spending time with them AND EVEN CLEANING!!!!!
Just kidding, really i actually like to clean. I admit im not totally normal and cool but who is:) In fact, today i cleaned almost my entire house from top to bottom and if uve ever seen our house you know this is an accomplishment!!!!
So i woke up at 6:00 and have just finished @ 10:00 p.m. I figured i owed this to my mom because ive been gone partying at friends houses:)
yestrday, my mom and grandma decided to spend some quality time with me and so we spent 4 hours in the ladies and juniors section at Kohls shopping for each other. Kohls had a major sale so we totally scored. L8tr we spent 2 hrs @ Savers and i got 3 pairs of the cutest shoes .
Here are just RANDOM pics of the last week:

There were more clothes but, my camera died so youll just have to wait and see...
BTW: I also just went to Girls Camp and it was a blast,so glad i went. Unfortunately, I havent been blest with enough brains to remember to take a camera, SOOOOOOOO..... i have no pictures which spares u the horrifying images of me without makeup , our ward dressed as hippies, me writing my name with my bum, and Pressident Riggs covered in choco frosting and silly string!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Okay my life has been buuuuuuuuuuusy for a couple mnths now. I hope ur comfortable because it might take u awhile to read the whole thing.
General Excuses:
I have been spending time with my friends non stop:)
Better Excuses:
I just graduated from th 8th grade and have been bawling my eyes out cause i will miss my ben frank bffs ( haha Laura Lee that was for you. boggling. freakiest. friends) OMGosh i love you bunch. We had some crazy times. Heck, who am i kidding they were all crazy.
This is me and my 2 bouquets of flowers
This is me accepting my certificate
This is me and some of my friends:Amy and Carissa
This is me and a couple more friends: Logan, Lexi, and Amy, And Carissa again. Then my camera died and i didn't get to take anymore.
This is me and one of my best friends Lauralee,or Lolly.
This is me and some more best friends: Patrisha,Lauralee,Summer,Brittney, and Lexi
This us all again except Jensen, Amy and Kayla are with us:)
These were are "responsible grown-up chaperons".
These are the sickening tea cups.
Wahoo! were all on a ride. I think its thundermountain...
This is SplashMountain. Check out our faces:)
This si me and some of my guy amigos on California Screamin'
This is me and 20 of my friends on Tower of terror. We filled up 1 whole ride and thats not even all of us.haha
This si the Malaboomer! Awesome ride.
This si some of us under the GoldenGate bridge.
Best Excuses:
I just got back from Disneyland!!!! The whole 8th grade went to disneyland and California Adventure on Coach buses that week! We had a blast and my mom and her friend chaperoned. They did not like the fact that are guy friends kept tagging along with are group:) My faveriote ride is officially california screamin' and the first time i went on it the guys pulled me on with them so i put on a brave face and kept my arms up the whole time. We spent the whole day thr and were sooooo tired when we got home i crashed all day.
Friday--- i went to Jacob and Bryces pool party and thr were 14 dudes and only 3 girls. Needless to say it was crazy. Soo much fun but after 4 hours in the pool wrestling each other we all went in to watch a movie. And agin I crashed. I had to get carried out to the car.
Saturday ---- I went babysitting all day with one of my friends. Thr were a total of 10 kids! Thr were 3 babys , 3 toddlers, and 4 others who were under 7 yrs old. It was nuts because every single kids name started with a J or a K. When I got back, me and my mom watched "Taken". It was insanely good and quite disturbing because it could actually happen.
Monday----I went to weights training for the first time with friends and also for the first time i felt truly weak:( everything was soooooooo heavy-the bar alone was 45 lbs. Then i went swimming at my friends house and later went with 50 friends from school to see UP the movie.(it was very cute and funny)
Tuesday----I went to volleyball camp and it was so much fun! I loved it and everyone thr.
Wednesday----I went to the summer movies with one friend and my family and saw SPACE CHIMPS.( which was also really funny but a bit stupid)
Thursday----My best friend Lauralee came over for the whole time and we went Psycho!( we felt bad for my poor family:) then we went swimming at 12:00 with no sunscreen and got majorly sunburned.Later she spent the night.
Friday---- Me and some friends went to my friend Jensens party and we talked and talked and burnt school papers.
Saturday----I spent time with my family and babysat.
Anyway, i think im gonna crash again I just hope its not during church.
BTW - Jade, hi love ya too well tlk l8tr:)
The Sassy Sista
General Excuses:
I have been spending time with my friends non stop:)
Better Excuses:
I just graduated from th 8th grade and have been bawling my eyes out cause i will miss my ben frank bffs ( haha Laura Lee that was for you. boggling. freakiest. friends) OMGosh i love you bunch. We had some crazy times. Heck, who am i kidding they were all crazy.

I just got back from Disneyland!!!! The whole 8th grade went to disneyland and California Adventure on Coach buses that week! We had a blast and my mom and her friend chaperoned. They did not like the fact that are guy friends kept tagging along with are group:) My faveriote ride is officially california screamin' and the first time i went on it the guys pulled me on with them so i put on a brave face and kept my arms up the whole time. We spent the whole day thr and were sooooo tired when we got home i crashed all day.
Friday--- i went to Jacob and Bryces pool party and thr were 14 dudes and only 3 girls. Needless to say it was crazy. Soo much fun but after 4 hours in the pool wrestling each other we all went in to watch a movie. And agin I crashed. I had to get carried out to the car.
Saturday ---- I went babysitting all day with one of my friends. Thr were a total of 10 kids! Thr were 3 babys , 3 toddlers, and 4 others who were under 7 yrs old. It was nuts because every single kids name started with a J or a K. When I got back, me and my mom watched "Taken". It was insanely good and quite disturbing because it could actually happen.
Monday----I went to weights training for the first time with friends and also for the first time i felt truly weak:( everything was soooooooo heavy-the bar alone was 45 lbs. Then i went swimming at my friends house and later went with 50 friends from school to see UP the movie.(it was very cute and funny)
Tuesday----I went to volleyball camp and it was so much fun! I loved it and everyone thr.
Wednesday----I went to the summer movies with one friend and my family and saw SPACE CHIMPS.( which was also really funny but a bit stupid)
Thursday----My best friend Lauralee came over for the whole time and we went Psycho!( we felt bad for my poor family:) then we went swimming at 12:00 with no sunscreen and got majorly sunburned.Later she spent the night.
Friday---- Me and some friends went to my friend Jensens party and we talked and talked and burnt school papers.
Saturday----I spent time with my family and babysat.
Anyway, i think im gonna crash again I just hope its not during church.
BTW - Jade, hi love ya too well tlk l8tr:)
The Sassy Sista
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
So.... WOW, I guess i havent posted in a while but i figure no one follows this,so its basically jus for me. Stake Youth Conference was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! It was so much fun . I knew like everyone!
The first night we had a flour dodgeball game. I looked like a ghost because some "funny" guy friends I have decided to corner me! It was like 10 to 1 until some of my good (chica) friends decided to save me.
The next day we went on a "one mile" hike at 5 in the morn'. I am not a happy campr in the wee hours of the day:).We were served a "light" breakfast or HALF AN APPLE and sent on our way. Anyway, me, and some chums(Emily and Paige) started up the mountain and I almost died. I think if Id had any energy left i would have cried. We actually crawled up the side of the mountain!!! Many people know about my " ability" to not be able to walk across a flat surface without looking like an ucoordinated girraffe. So, this mountain was horrible! There was about a million rocks, maybey more. The leaders were definately out to get me when they organized this trip. After, we went down and headed back up with shovels in hand. We climbed the side of the mpuntain and strted pulling BUFFALO GRASS. Apparently this plant was not native to Arizona and was killing the rest of the beautiful plants. This was fine by me because it was way prettier than the "native" plants. Then me , my friends and some dudes got in a huge dirt war. It was so much fun!!!
That night we had the talent show which was HILARIOUS and then a dance which was also so much fun:) All the while I met amazing people and heard terrific talks that were so spiritual. Now Im sick and sore and can barely lift my fingers.
I cant wait to do it again!!!!!!!
The first night we had a flour dodgeball game. I looked like a ghost because some "funny" guy friends I have decided to corner me! It was like 10 to 1 until some of my good (chica) friends decided to save me.
The next day we went on a "one mile" hike at 5 in the morn'. I am not a happy campr in the wee hours of the day:).We were served a "light" breakfast or HALF AN APPLE and sent on our way. Anyway, me, and some chums(Emily and Paige) started up the mountain and I almost died. I think if Id had any energy left i would have cried. We actually crawled up the side of the mountain!!! Many people know about my " ability" to not be able to walk across a flat surface without looking like an ucoordinated girraffe. So, this mountain was horrible! There was about a million rocks, maybey more. The leaders were definately out to get me when they organized this trip. After, we went down and headed back up with shovels in hand. We climbed the side of the mpuntain and strted pulling BUFFALO GRASS. Apparently this plant was not native to Arizona and was killing the rest of the beautiful plants. This was fine by me because it was way prettier than the "native" plants. Then me , my friends and some dudes got in a huge dirt war. It was so much fun!!!
That night we had the talent show which was HILARIOUS and then a dance which was also so much fun:) All the while I met amazing people and heard terrific talks that were so spiritual. Now Im sick and sore and can barely lift my fingers.
I cant wait to do it again!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
My First Day in Blogging History
I do not have a camera and my" dearest" mother will not let me use hers, SOOO... you get to hear and not see how super exciting/boring my life is.Well to catch up from before, when i didnt have a blog:
1."Panthers" pathetically CRUSHED the "Coyotes" volleyball team!!!!!!!!! on Jan. 7
2. i visited billions of restraunts to collect $ for a school i DON'T go to, just to be with friends.
3. I could never live without all of my friends and family.
4. Pres. riggs is the reason i will not get a phone until im 18 and so is the reason i do not answer any of my friends texts because HELLO, it is a home phone.
5.Found out that when putting detergent in the dishwasher, you must make sure it is detergent and not hand soap....
I'd love for you to keep reading, but law requires i must put this warning in for your safety...... :)
CAUTION: this blog may have stupid and horrifically funny pictures on it(once i have a camra)
i love to laugh and i love comments!!! You WILL hurt my feelings if you leave me nothing:( just kidding:) lol
have a sparkling day,
1."Panthers" pathetically CRUSHED the "Coyotes" volleyball team!!!!!!!!! on Jan. 7
2. i visited billions of restraunts to collect $ for a school i DON'T go to, just to be with friends.
3. I could never live without all of my friends and family.
4. Pres. riggs is the reason i will not get a phone until im 18 and so is the reason i do not answer any of my friends texts because HELLO, it is a home phone.
5.Found out that when putting detergent in the dishwasher, you must make sure it is detergent and not hand soap....
I'd love for you to keep reading, but law requires i must put this warning in for your safety...... :)
CAUTION: this blog may have stupid and horrifically funny pictures on it(once i have a camra)
i love to laugh and i love comments!!! You WILL hurt my feelings if you leave me nothing:( just kidding:) lol
have a sparkling day,
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